Delete your account from IELTS Dictionary

Instructions for deleting accounts in the application IELTS Dictionary Android app link You can delete your account in the application in 2 steps Step 1: Chose on setting icon (follow an orange circle) Step 2: Chose on Delete My Account button (follow an orange circle) All your data will be removed from the application […]

Delete your account from Cambrid English Dictionary

Instructions for deleting accounts in the application Cambrid English Dictionary Android app link You can delete your account in the application in 2 steps Step 1: Chose on setting icon (follow an orange circle) Step 2: Chose on Delete My Account button (follow an orange circle) All your data will be removed from the […]

Delete your account from All In One Dictionary

Instructions for deleting accounts in the application All In One Dictionary Android app link You can delete your account in the application in 2 steps Step 1: Chose on setting icon (follow an orange circle) Step 2: Chose on Delete My Account button (follow an orange circle) All your data will be removed from […]

Quyền Riêng Tư – Privacy Policy

1.Thuật ngữ và định nghĩa Người kiểm soát dữ liệu nghĩa là thực thể pháp lý (một mình hoặc cùng với những bên khác) xác định các mục đích và phương thức của việc xử lý dữ liệu cá nhân. vivo là người kiểm soát dữ liệu, nếu không được luật quy định khác. Dữ liệu […]

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